Post 8 - A subject you enjoyed studying this term
Well, a subject that I'm interested in the most this semester was Colonial Arts. The development of western art in the conquered lands by the Spanish and Portuguese crowns
until the republican period.
The most fascinating
thing is the encounter of two cultures/peoples, and what was the result of this
in terms of art.
It is fascinating to
study and research colonial arts because there are so many different theories and
views about that encounter of cultures.
But when something is
fascinating, it is tragic at the same time though, because this encounter was a truly
genocide and ethnocide against indigenous tribes in the American
continent during the first part of the encounter. Now even this happen,
artists or artisans that created many of the colonial art were
people of that indigenous culture, or mestizos.
Consequently, they created an
art in lin with the his masters' rules, but with the
touches of millenial cultures like the Azteca peoples or Inca
The European
culture was not just taking over the native culture, but we can see an overlapping process of the native
culture also resisting and trying to express their world view through western artistic tools.
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